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Range and Website Updates!

Dear WRPC Members, just a few items to inform everyone about.

  1. The Ranges will be closed to all shooting this Bank Holiday Friday (29th March 2024) and Monday (1st April 2024) however it will be open over the weekend as per normal.
  2. From Monday 1st April 2024, summer shooting hours will be in effect.
    For more details check out the Range Rules but in essence for FAC shooting, you can now shoot every Saturday in a month until winter rules come back in October.
  3. The Competitions Calendar has been updated and is available in the Competitions section of the website, unfortunately we have had to re-jig this year’s program of Target Shotgun shoots!
  4. This year’s insurance summary is now available in the Essential Forms section of the Members Area.

That’s all for now, see you on the range!