A series of photographs from around the Wedgnock complex can be found here. Sitting PositionShooting on the 100 metre range.Prone ShootingProne Shooting on the 50 metre range.Prone ShootingProne shooting on the 100 metre range.Kneeling PositionGrizzle Bear Competition TargetsCowboy Action WinnersCowboy ActionCowboy Action TargetsCowboy ActionCompetition ShootingCanons!Canon Firing!Black Powder Revolver reloading.100 metre supported offhand shooting100 metre supported offhand shooting.100 metre supported offhand shooting.50 metre shooting50 metre shooting25 metre Gallery RifleCanon firing!Shooting in the sitting positionThe shooting area on the C RangeThe section seperators on the C RangeCowboy Action50M Targets Close UpThe shooting area on the B RangeThe targets on the 50 Metre rangeView of the Shooting AreaShooters can fire from either the standing (supported), sitting or prone positions.